Parent Visa

Subclass 590 (Student Guardian Visa)

This visa lets you visit Australia to support a child who holds a student visa. This is a temporary visa. The length of your visa will be determined by the student visa holder’s stay and their age.

Basic Eligibility :

  • be the student’s parent, custodian or relative who is 21 years or older
  • have enough money to support yourself and the student during your stay
  • be able to provide accommodation, welfare and other support

Other Conditions:

You must be:

  • the parent of the student visa holder, or
  • a person who has custody of the student, or
  • a relative of the student, aged 21 years or older, nominated in writing by a parent or person who has custody of the student

You will provide care and support for:

  • a student visa holder who is under 18 years of age or
  • a student visa holder who is 18 years of age or older and needs care and support due to exceptional circumstances

For this visa, a relative is the student’s:

  • parent or step-parent
  • grandparent or step-grandparent
  • sibling or stepsibling
  • aunt, uncle, step-aunt or step-uncle
  • niece, nephew or step-niece or step-nephew
  • partner
  • child or stepchild