A labour agreement is a formal agreement between an employer and the Australian government that allows the employer to sponsor foreign workers under specific visa programs. In Australian visas, a labour agreement refers to a special arrangement between the Australian government and an employer or industry association to address specific skill shortages or unique labour market needs.
Labour agreements provide flexibility in the visa process by allowing employers to sponsor foreign workers who may not meet the standard requirements of other visa programs, such as the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) or 482 and the 494 Visa.
Labour agreements address labour market shortages in particular industries, regions, or occupations. They outline the terms and conditions under which foreign workers can be sponsored, including the number of positions available, the occupations eligible for sponsorship, and any specific requirements or concessions granted to the employer.
An employer must negotiate and secure an agreement with the Australian government to access a labour agreement. These agreements are generally reached with the involvement of the Department of Home Affairs and other relevant government departments. Once a contract is in place, the employer can nominate foreign workers to be sponsored under the agreed terms.

It’s important to note that labour agreements are specific to the employer or industry association that negotiated them and are unavailable to all employers or individuals. The terms and conditions of labour agreements vary depending on the specific arrangement and may be subject to change over time.
In the context of the aged care sector in Australia, there is a specific labour agreement known as the Aged Care Industry Labour Agreement. The agreement is designed to address skill shortages in the aged care industry and facilitate the recruitment of overseas workers to meet the growing demand for aged care services.
The Aged Care Labour Agreement allows Employer to Sponsor using the Labour Agreement Stream the following-
- Sponsor overseas workers for the Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa in direct care occupations such as:
- Nursing Support Worker
- Personal Care Assistant
- Aged or Disabled Carer
You must have made recent and genuine attempts to recruit workers from the domestic workforce pool.
- Sponsor overseas workers for permanent residence under the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) visa program. Workers must have at least two years of full time work experience in Australia in a relevant direct care occupation. The two years of work experience is not tied to a particular employer or visa subclass.
Under the Aged Care Labour Agreement, approved employers in the aged care sector can sponsor overseas workers for temporary and permanent visas. The agreement provides concessions and flexibility in visa requirements to facilitate the recruitment of foreign workers in certain occupations within the aged care industry.
If you are interested in working in Australia and think you may qualify under a labour agreement, it is recommended to research the specific contracts relevant to your industry or occupation and consult with the Department of Home Affairs or a registered migration agent to understand the requirements and processes involved.